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Retro Tattoo Designs

Do you love things slightly old-fashioned or old-school? If you are into body art and have a knack for nostalgia, retro tattoo designs might be suitable for your tastes. You can get inspired by some fabulous traditional patterns and get inked with designs that reflect the old color palettes, bold outlines and timeless motifs that many of us have grown up watching. So here are some retro tattoo designs that you can choose from to get inked with and shine during your next party event, making others go ‘wow’ at their sight. If you're looking for the best tattoo parlour in Kolkata to bring your tattoo ideas to life, you're in the right place.

Anchor Tattoo

What better way to show that you stand for strength and stability? A sailor loves this design and while sailing through life, you would surely love to sport an anchor that keeps you grounded amidst the rough, unstable waters. No matter what comes up, you can always wait for some time and sail when all is clear. Go for the common design with bold lines and have a chain or rope wrap around your anchor motif.

Swallows or Sparrows

Do you love to travel, stand for freedom but like to come back home because ‘home is where the heart is’ for you at the end of the day? You can get inked with these birds, often shown facing each other and in vibrant shades such as red or blue. The image of the birds can represent you, or better, symbolize your yearning to travel while being a home-lover ultimately.

Pin-Up Girls

Who can forget the classic designs of stylized women in playful or vintage poses? Often, these beautiful women are paired with elements like roses, banners, or nautical symbols. Many of us have grown up adoring these women and they have filled our minds with romantic fantasies. Even before we had any clear idea about love and romance, the sight of these ladies filled our minds with that kind of feeling, which later blossomed into the strong passion of adulthood. You cannot ignore these, right?


Who does not really love roses? You can get these in different colors, although red is the most common tattooed image. Symbolizing love, beauty, and passion, retro roses often feature bold red petals with green leaves. It would not be wrong to say that roses have a timeless elegance, a classic charm that never grows old, no matter how much the world changes. You can get small or even big roses on yourself, and it depends on where you would love the placement.

Daggers and Hearts

These are still quite popular, standing for bravery, sacrifice, or heartbreak. Often, these have entwined roses, banners with text, or feature dripping blood. You might like to personalize these with the names or objects of your choice or some date that holds a special meaning for you in your life. This classic retro design is loved by many, the world over.

So choose from these retro designs and be a party favorite for the immense charm that these hold. It can be a nice way to strike a conversation.

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